If you have any ideas for new blog titles leave them in the comments section; I love alliteration, wittiness, trying to cram my name into preexisting words, and long walks on the beach.
Okay, let's get started. To get my writing juices flowing again I am going to use a good old-fashioned, elementary school, timed writing exercise. I expect this will be rusty, awkward, and tough to read because it has been over a year. I am going to honor 2015 with 15 minutes on the clock and just write - no editing, no spellchecking, just train of thought writing.
Happy New Year! At this time I'm sure plenty of people have hit up the gym and cut out sodas, swearing, and social media (not good for the blog.) I haven't ever really made a set resolution list just kind of had a few unannounced ideas in my head of how I would want the coming year to be different from the last. New Year's resolutions seem like an early Lent, people cut out what they think will help them be "better" and end up returning to that in a month. However, I did make some set ideas this year and I actually said them aloud a few times. As a reward, I now feel obligated to make sure I at least attempt to do something with them.
I only have 15 minutes so I am going to just focus on my first resolution - Write more often. This was not just an idea for this blog post, this has been something I have been telling myself for the past year and a half. The thing is, I love to write. I may not be amazing at it but I really enjoy it, I love to talk about what is on my brain or what I see around me but I just need more practice. I also need to branch out more, I do this little blog but I also need to grow a pair and post some of the other things I write and be willing to change up the format some. My top post on here is my list about why I love Insanity, I might need to throw in some more lists, pictures, opinion posts, etc. Or maybe not.
I'd also love to see this blog be slightly more interactive...so friends, family, random people please feel free to comment at the bottom because feedback, good or bad, is good for me. I have a list of ideas for other posts and such, but I want to share what I am into - books I read, blogs I frequent, songs I like, things I dislike - whatever really. Those either have the prospect of being semi-entertaining or bitterly boring so I we will just have to wait and see. Maybe even add at the end of each post what I am currently reading/listening to/watching on Netflix/geeked out about? And how often is it appropriate to post? I don't want to overkill when I am flooded with ideas, but then I put it off and don't end up writing at all. Does it even matter?
Bottom line is that I think it will be fun and a good exercise for me. I also want them to be done without fear, I always feel like I am hindering something because I don't want it to seem stupid or for it to be cliche. But I should stick to my guns (resolution 2, work on my guns
Slightly harder than I feel it should have been, but I did it and the buzzer caught me in the middle of a random side note. My final thought is a quote that reappeared in my brain while writing the last sentence in the 15 minutes, "The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt." --Sylvia Plath.
And to expand on an idea from above:
Book on my nightstand - "Killing Jesus" by Bill O'Reilly
Book on my iPad - "Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that Can't Stop Talking" by Susan Cain
Song stuck in my head - "Say You'll Be There" - MO (Yes, it is a Spice Girls remix)
Currently playing on Netflix - Gilmore Girls. 'nuff said