
Monday, August 20, 2012


I have been having moments lately similar to the ones Bruce Willis experienced in The Kid. If you don't remember this movie, Bruce Willis meets himself as a an adult. Anyways, the basis of the story is that Bruce Willis's character gets to learn about what experiences throughout his life shaped who he became. 

For your memory

The point of this entire spiel is that I have been having the exact same experiences lately, just without a mini-Shae running around (which I would probably enjoy). It's like my life is on Google Maps-street view and I get shot back into time and relive things that were defining to me. Some I really wish to forget, others you would think were insignificant. Anyways, I have thought about four experiences that I believe have changed my life the most.

  1. My dad came home when I was about 12 and said a few of his swimmers were caught drinking. My mom turned to me, stuck her finger in my face, and gave me 'the look' (for you of those who have experienced this, I hope it doesn't haunt you as it does me) then she said through gritted teeth, "If you EVER, get caught doing that, you don't even want to know what the consequence will be!" Then I probably peed myself. And from that day forward I was always scared of consequences, no matter what the situation was. I followed the rules to the T and I am still scared of what the consequence would be if I was caught drinking underage, I'm 23.
  2. Middle School. I was awkward, mean things were said, I was still awkward...I don't like to revisit it. But because of this I think I grew a few other skills. I rely a lot on humor to mask my insecurities and I became pretty good at observing situations and understanding people. Aka, everyone is predictable, even you.
  3. Playing basketball at Memphis. It was a lot of fun, but I also experienced a lot of tough personal times. It taught me how to handle my weaknesses. I wish I could have done it differently at the time, but it shaped how I handled those situations later. I also had some awesome coaches, ones that I hope to mirror in my own career.
  4. Attending Southwestern. I have never loved one place as much as I love SU, I grew up there as a kid and when I attended. I met my best friends there, I gained a lot of knowledge, and I began to understand myself more. Best three years of my life. 
Best friends, thank you SU.

Two months ago today, I became a semi-grown up. I moved away from home and I'll only return there one more time. Sadly, I'm not even being dramatic, my parents sold our house. It is weird how when you move away from your friends, family, dog, and comfort zone you actually start to reflect on those things that have made you the person that you are. One of my roommates said the other day, "isn't it weird to think that we will never be in our 20's again." That's the main reason I started this blog, I have a lot of things and experiences that make me who I am and I want to share and document them. Even if I am the only one who reads it, I can share it with my future self. 

If you do read it, you'll start to notice that I have a lot of random interests as well as some very strong opinions. And, I also really love Diet Coke.

1 comment:

  1. Aw this is so sweet. You are too funnnny and I am glad you're in good ol' Otown now! Even though you have to deal with the rough life of livin' "downtown" haha
